Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Sabbat Autumn Equinox

Sabbat Autumn Equinox

It is the time of the Autumn Equinox or Mabon and the harvest is winding down.  The fields are nearly empty, because the crops have been plucked and stored for the coming winter.  Mabon is the mid-harvest festival and it is when we take a few moments to honor the changing seasons and celebrate the second harvest.  On or around September 21, for many Pagan and Wiccan traditions it is a time of giving thanks for the things we have, whether it is abundant crops or other blessings.

The holiday of the autumnal equinox is a Pagan ritual of thanksgiving for the fruits of the Earth and a recognition of the need to share them to secure the blessings of the Goddess and the God during the coming winter months.  After the Autumn equinox the Oak King slowly begins to regain his power as the Sun begins to wane.

Activities: Wine Making, Adorning Graves, Community, Dancing

Animals: Dogs, Wolves, Birds of Prey, Squirrel

Attunement Teas(Individually or Blended): All Berries, Grape Drinks, Heather, Hops, Sassafras

Colors: Brown, Orange, Violet, Maroon, Russet, Deep Gold

Deities: Wine Deities, Aging Deities, Crop Deities

Foods: Wine, Grapes, Nuts, Apples, Corn, Oats, Mead, From the Garden Foods

Goddesses: Cessair (Welsh), Harmonica (Greek), Rennutet (Egyptian), Snake Woman (Aboriginal), Epona (Celtic-Gaulish), Lilitu (Semitic), Modron (Welsh), The Muses (Greek), Pamona (Roman), Sophia (Greco-Hebraic), Sif (Norse)

Gods: Dionysus(Roman), Great Horned God (European), Iacchus (Greco-Tuscan), Hermes (Greek), Thoth (Egyptian), Thor (Norse) 

Key Action: Give Thanks, Equality, Sharing, Veterans' Care

Meaning: Celebrating the Second Harvest, Balance, Honoring the Aging Deities, Honoring the Spirit World, Darkness Overtaking Light, Celebration of Wine

Mythical Creatures: Andamans, Cyclopes, Gnomes, Gulon, Minotaur, Sphinx

Other Names: Second Harvest, Festival of Dionysus, Alban Elfed, Cornucopia, Mabon

Plants: Vines, Ivy, Hazel, Cedar, Hops, Tobacco, Sage, Sunflower

Ritual Oils: Apple Blossom, Hay/Straw, Black Pepper, Patchouli

Stones: Amethyst, Yellow Topaz, Amber

Symbols: Grapes, Wine, Vines, Garland, Burial Cairns, Rattles, Horn of Plenty, Indian Corn, Sun Wheels

Taboos: Passing Burial Sites and not honoring the dead

Autumn Song

Autumn´s Bliss tumbles to the ground,
A floating leaf of Red,
Twisting and gliding a graceful dance
To furnish the land.

Acorns´ ripe prize, the golden fruit
feeds the land as it feeds the boar
Boar´s final sigh as the spear finds home,
We shall feast on his sweet flesh.

Rain from above with Thor´s sweet kiss
Drips from skeletal boughs
Drops into rivulets, rivulets to rivers, rivers to the ocean roar.
Hammer song cleanses the air.

A kiss of winter fills the nights air,
The teasing our cheeks with its cold breath.
The fire warms our hearts as
The Ice is kept at bay a little longer.

The folk sing strong and proud
Of Summer´s adventures and heat´s demise
Let us gather tonight in frith and faith
The Harvest is in, and Winter draws nigh.

~ Dana Runkle

Tide of Harvest

In this tide of Harvest, a longing awakens in me
for the mad, cold, dark of winter's wailing winds,
belling like the hounds of the mythic hunt of old. 
I grow fey in the season of reaping and cutting
and remember ancient days and dreams. 
I am kin to another time and an older way. 
I am the reaper, the scythe and the grain. 
I am the vine, the grapes, and the knife. 
I am the apple, the press and the cider. 
I am the wealth of the land and the lash of the storm queen,

~ Laurel Mendes

A Crop Song, for Sif and Thor

All through this summer's run,
We children of the Sun
See gold wheat sway,
And we shall pray
For a rich harvest won.

May Sif, Thor's golden bride,
Bring us her fertile tide;
Her gilded bloom
We may consume,
New strenght to us supplied.

This god and goddess great,
Man's friend and gentle mate,
Let's honor now;
Their sacred plow
Brings food to our plate.

Let's sing a song of praise,
And thankful voices raise,
Daughters of Sif,
For every sheaf
We gained in summer days.

O sons of Thor, rejoice
In merry solstice joys!
Thor's goats race by
Through yonder sky
Amidst his thunder's noise.

And after days all warm
Come wind and rain and storm,
Cold days draw near;
To bread and beer
Our harvest's now transformed.

So in the winter's reign,
To those who gave us grain,
To Thor and Sif
Bring gift for gift--
May plenty come again!

~ Twa Raven Motifs

Vetrsongr (Wintersong)

The bride of Báleygr
has given us
the bounty of her bosom;
summer’s work is ended,
the harvest has been reaped
we await the coming cold.

Let the strong mead
be set to age
within its oaken cask;
meats hung in the smokehouse,
fish be salted,
winter’s provision is set.

Time to give thanks and honor
to the Holy Powers
Gods and Elves and Wights;
time for kith and kin
together to feast
enjoying Jördh’s bounty.

~ Hrapp R Normansson


Swords, stones and bones,
Coins, cloaks and combs,
Potshards and pollen
Are all we have left
Of our forefathers.

The songs that they sang,
The tales that they told
Are heard in no hall.

Writings that were wrought
By the foes that they fought
Tell a false tale.

Brooches in bogs
Tell us the truth.

Swords, stones and bones,
Coins, cloaks and combs,

Potshards and pollen
Are all we have left
Of our forefathers.

~ Vivian

Apple of my Eye

Apple of my eye.

Arrow in the night.
Arrow from my quiver.

Star in my sky.
Second of seven in sight.

Little fish swim down ancestral river.
The Ladies whisper

From that Weird Well,
"Wake the Gods, raise the banner."

Follow your sister,
Like Fetch in human shell.

Learn the sign of Red-Beard's Hammer.
Let it grow

Like our tree

Slowly and with patience.
Few will know

What you see,

Arrow of the Ancients.

~ Izak Sample

For the Nordic, it is time for a Winter Finding ceremony to bid farewell to the passing summer and to prepare for the rigors of winter. The Norse, like the other pre-industrial societies of Europe, depended heavily on a successful harvest in the fall to make it through the winter and so they took this time to thank the Gods for all that had been given during the harvest and to ask their protection during the cold of winter.   

In some Germanic countries, people worried about the fate of their grain harvest.  If there was a great deal of wind during the harvesting season, it could be because Odin wanted a share of the crop. To keep him happy, a few spare sacks of flour were emptied into the wind.

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